Melatonin for Kids and How It Works

Not sure if melatonin is the right thing for your child? Get your questions answered by a doctor here. Leran more!
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Little boy sleeping in his bed
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Why is sleep so important for kids?
Why is sleep so important for kids?
The question crosses the mind of many parents who wonder if their child is getting enough rest amidst the homework, sports, after-school activities, and sleepovers and all the activities that fill up their kids’ days.
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Are your kids facing sleep problems? Here’s what you should know
Are your kids facing sleep problems? Here’s what you should know
As parents you’re attentive to every milestone in your children’s development.
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How does melatonin work and is it safe for kids?
How does melatonin work and is it safe for kids?
Parents know that sleep is important for kids for their growth, learning ability and general mood and often find themselves wondering if their kids are getting enough sleep
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